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The assessment to see the ease,  speed and the  flexibility of how people

they learn and think. 

NAP ™ Neuro Agility Profile 

The Neuro Agility Profile ™, abbreviated to NAP ™, is an assessment of your brain profile.  

Provides feedback on  13 components of neuro-agility  which determine  ease, speed and  flexibility  with which

people learn and think.

Illustrates  7  neurophysiological components  of the  neurological design and the 6 drivers  that  optimize brain performance. This brain profile assessment is  a practical tool to uniquely discover how people process information, what strengths and preferences they naturally have, when they learn or think, and also indicate  areas for future development.

You cannot improve what you cannot measure.  

The Neuro Agility ™ profile is  indispensable for every person who wants to understand  with precision its own neurological design and drivers that optimize one's brain performance  and the well-being of your brain. This assessment also improves self-awareness and  provides valuable information  to help formulate one's life purpose, increase  self-confidence, manage yourself more effectively, understand yourself,  understand others, reduce the risk of error and communicate more effectively.

Neuro Agility Profile ™ Advanced + is designed for adults, managers, leaders and teams.

They are also available  the versions  NAP ™  Student Performer e  NAP ™  ToolBox for young and old students.

neuro link company are the neuroscience experts behind the NAP

You cannot improve what you cannot measure.

NAP ™ Neuro Agility Profile 

  • The NAP ™ is different in that it is "state-based": each reported dimension can be measured, developed and strengthened.                                 

  • The analysis is based on the three dimensions of brain dominance crossed with sensory dominances, and allows us to identify not only the behavioral style (enriched by the 3rd dimension), but also the person's personal learning style.

  • The profile presents the preferences of intelligence (11 intelligences) integrating them with the cerebral and sensory dominances.

  • The analysis of the components of neuro-flexibility and of the drivers that influence the state of form of the brain allows the development of rapid and effective action plans.

  • Thirty years of research and experimentation make exercises available for the improvement of all the analyzed characteristics.

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